Middleware configurations¶
What is a Middleware configuration?¶
It is defined as a pair of a condition and a list of factories:
data class MiddlewareConfiguration(
private val condition: WrappingCondition,
private val factories: List<ConsumerMiddlewareFactory<*>>
If the WrappingCondition
returns true
, all the Middlewares
created by factories
will be wrapped around the target.
If it returns false
, the original object is returned without any modifications.
What is a WrappingCondition?¶
is an interface with the sole responsibility of deciding whether any target should be wrapped or not:
interface WrappingCondition {
fun shouldWrap(target: Any, name: String?, standalone: Boolean) : Boolean
The interface contains implementations for most common case checks, such as:
// Implementations checking the target -- returns true if the target:
WrappingCondition.IsNamed // ...has a name
WrappingCondition.Name.SimpleMatcher // ...has a name that contains a given substring
WrappingCondition.Name.Regex // ...has a name that matches a given regex
WrappingCondition.InstanceOf // ...is an instance of a given class / interface
WrappingCondition.PackageName.SimpleMatcher // ...has a package name that contains a given substring
WrappingCondition.PackageName.Regex // ...has a package name that matches a given regex
WrappingCondition.IsStandalone // ...is standalone (not part of a binding)
// Implementations checking a condition -- returns true:
WrappingCondition.Always // ...always
WrappingCondition.Never // ...never
WrappingCondition.Conditional // ...if a given () -> Boolean lambda returns true
// Implementations delegating to others -- returns true if:
WrappingCondition.Not // the passed WrappingCondition returns false
WrappingCondition.EitherOr // delegates to one of two given WrappingConditions based on a condition
WrappingCondition.AnyOf // any of the passed WrappingConditions return true
WrappingCondition.AllOf // all of the passed WrappingConditions return true
If the above is not enough for any reason, you can write your own implementation of the interface.
What is a ConsumerMiddlewareFactory?¶
Basically just a lambda to create a Middleware
given a Consumer<T>
typealias ConsumerMiddlewareFactory<T> = (Consumer<T>) -> ConsumerMiddleware<T>
// In practice:
val middlewareFactory: ConsumerMiddlewareFactory<*> = { consumer -> SomeMiddleware(consumer) }
Ok, how do I use it?¶
Let's say:
- You want to add
to all of your bindings and consumers
- You only want to add
to bindings and consumers if all of these hold true:- it's a debug build
- they are named
- they are in a certain package
- but they are definitely not an instance of some class
Here's how you would do it:
condition = WrappingCondition.Always,
factories = listOf(
{ consumer -> LoggingMiddleware(consumer, { Timber.d(it) }) }
condition = WrappingCondition.AllOf(
WrappingCondition.Conditional { BuildConfig.DEBUG },
factories = listOf(
{ consumer -> PlaybackMiddleware(consumer, recordStore, { Timber.d(it) }) }
Under the hood¶
Whenever you call .wrap
a Consumer<T>
manually, or whenever the Binder
does the same automatically, the extension function will apply your list of MiddlewareConfiguration
fun <T : Any> Consumer<T>.wrap(
name: String? = null,
// remainder omitted
): Consumer<T> {
// remainder omitted
Middlewares.configurations.forEach {
current = it.applyOn(current, target, name, standalone)
// remainder omitted
return current